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One Foot In Front of the Other

Aug 01, 2023

“Why can’t you see my point-of-view?”

“It doesn't make sense to me. Why can’t you see my side of the issue?”

The door slams and out I go for a walk with my frustration level high. I may as well be running because I want to get away from the confrontation and words that swirl with both of us trying to get the other to understand their perspective.

With each step of my walk I’m stomping out my frustration and replaying the last five minutes of disagreement. It is pointless to rehash and it only brings more spinning thoughts of justifying my view. It needs to STOP.

As I put one foot in front of the other I know it’ll get better. Breath. Shake it off.

Then a still, small voice like someone whispering in my ear, I hear…….
See. Enjoy. Be. Do. The words came to me with a rhythmic sound in a four-beat tempo. See. Enjoy. Be. Do. A neat little tune was playing as the words repeated in my mind….

See. Enjoy. Be. Do.
See. Enjoy. Be. Do.
See. Enjoy. Be. Do.

My walking strides become one with the tune and soon peace came like a rushing wind to match the beat. The frustration ceased and definition for each word came to me as God began to free me with His rhythmic peace.

See – what I’m showing you right in front of your eyes. Not everything. Only view what is right in front of you.
Enjoy – all the surroundings I’m giving you. Taking a deep breath and get into the moment to enjoy what’s around you.
Be – here with me in the moment of this day. Simple and sweet, enjoy being with me.
Do – the NOW thing. Then I’ll give you the next thing to do.

God challenged me with this simple little rhythmic phrase to allow me to think of each simple, short word. See. Enjoy. Be. Do.

Now I challenge you to use these short words and definitions when frustration comes to your day. Reminding yourself that God will help us put one foot in front of the other when we get into frustrating situation. He is always there to help.

Father God help us when we get frustrated and stomp away from what makes us mad. Let us settle our thoughts back to you, the one who can help all situations. May we be women who are able to find ways to settle ourselves and remember you have all things under your control. We thank you Father God for helping us put one foot in front of the other. Ame

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