Who Sue Is...

A dynamic Motivational Speaker, Author, and Encourager who dedicates herself to inspiring individuals to reach their fullest potential on life's journey.


With an energizing and candid approach, she shares her wisdom through both speaking engagements and written works, weaving engaging stories and practical applications into her messages.


Sue's speaking style are far from dull, as she passionately shares her personal experiences, from breaking free from the darkness of addiction to surviving a life-threatening motorcycle accident.


Sue also highlights the transformative power of teaching God's Word in shaping her perspective on life.


Testimonials on Sue's Influence:

  • Inspirational in her delivery style.

  • Authentic and instills hope.

  • Her captivating facial expressions kept me engaged and watching.

  • Interesting and dynamic.

  • Love her enthusiasm.

  • Heartfelt and humorous.

  • Tidbits shared were memorable and valuable.

  • Love analogies and examples.

  • Heart-touching stories.

  • Outstanding - kept the audience thoroughly engaged.

  • Captivates and grabs people's attention.

What Sets Sue Apart...

Contact Sue

Sue's Story & Statment of Faith

In my past, I went through years of self-inflicted destruction fueled by alcohol and drugs, compounded by the destructive actions of others. I sought out alcohol and drugs to numb myself, plunging into dark places that held me captive for many years.

The toll of those years became unbearable, leading to a moment of desperation that changed everything. Looking upward, I shouted at a God I didn't know, “If there is a God, then come and HELP me.” In that instant, an unfamiliar peace surrounded me, and I heard a still, small voice say, “It’s going to be Okay.” On that pivotal day, I surrendered to God, and He, in turn, took my sins, removing them as far as the east is to the west, and initiated the transformative process of making me a new person.

The ins and outs of my journey are laid bare in the pages of my memoir Carried by Faith: From Substance Abuse to a Life Filled with Miracles.

Statement of Faith - https://www.suelhamilton.com/statement-of-faith

Her theological credential is best stated from scripture:

Acts 4:13 The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.

1 Peter 2:9-10 But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. Jeremiah 17:7 NLT

Latest Blog Posts

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Learning Who I Am

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Ups and downs

Marriage can be - one person on the teeter totter hitting on the ground and the other nearly being knocked off and wanting to give up, yet both holding on as tight as we could and not being willing to give up to be thumped to the ground.


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