When I graduate from high school.
When I get married.
When I have children.
When my babies become teenagers.
When my teenagers leave the house.
When my children get married.
When my grandchildren come along.
When my spouse dies.
When, when, when.
We think of things that have not happened and then...
“Why can’t you see my point-of-view?”
“It doesn't make sense to me. Why can’t you see my side of the issue?”
The door slams and out I go for a walk with my frustration level high. I may as well be running because I want to get away from the confrontation and...
Have you ever said one of these sayings about peace?
Peace in the house.
Peace out.
I need peace and quiet.
Peace be with you.
Peace, love, and joy.
If you’ve read my writing or listened to me speak, I start by turning to the dictionary to get the definition of the focus word....