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God Loves You Like You're the Only One

Feb 01, 2023

God loves you like you’re the only one!

Do you believe it?

Some days I do, others I forget I am loved by the One True God, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Almighty God, Papa God, Prince of Peace.

God loves you like you’re the only one!

When I repeat this statement in my mind on those days when I feel unloved and unworthy it can change the negative focus.

But, how do I remind myself of how much God loves me?

Discipline and a willingness to change my mindset is the answer. It’s hard work and it takes a commitment to change habits that take me away from the focus.

Here’s what I did - see if it will work for you. I focused on developing a close, intimate relationship with God so he would be the most important thing in my life. I needed to believe that He loved me like I was the only one. I needed to place God first just like a personal relationship with someone else. 

God had to become my Best Friend. The one I go to for everything I need to talk about. To talk to him like he’s in the room with me. 

The habit of calling a friend daily and talking in length about all my issues and problems and hoping they could help me solve them or make me feel better had to stop. After years of this same routine, I decided to stop calling friends and instead call on God. I needed God to fill me up and build our relationship, so I could feel more of His love, let him fix me. I needed to depend on him more then others.

“I needed to go to the throne and not the phone.”  As Joyce Meyer's would say.

It took a conscious effort and practice to break this habit of not calling or texting a friend when I wanted to blab, complain, or just whine. There is a place for calling friends, but the immediate response to jump on the phone needed to be evaluated becasue it seemed off balance. 

I would tell myself, “NO I don't need to talk to my friend. I need to talk to God first. He needs to be my Best Friend.”

Replacing God in lieu of a physical, earthly, friend may seem odd, BUT I needed to put God on a higher level of priority and to let Him work in me to fix my brokenness. He needed to mend my feelings of not being loved enough and replace it with his never ending love.

The amount of time I spent talking to friends about my problems was converted to the time I spend with God. Spending a half hour to an hour was easy to do with a friend on the phone, could I give God that much time?

When I made the decision to give God that time he poured love on me, filled my holes of emptiness, provided joy when I saw none, and blessed me when I didn’t expect it. This was the beginning of a solid relationship with God all because I gave him my time.

How about you?

How much time do you spend searching for others to solve your problems and listen to endless complaining?

If this is the first time you've thought about it I'll make a suggestion - next conversation you have with a friend and you notice the complaining in your voice, start a stopwatch and time yourself to see how much time you could be allocating to God. This is an ouch and amen!

This idea doesn’t come easy! It's challenging work to break hold habits!

Give it a try. It can’t hurt becasue all it could do is change your life and give you a new Best Friend.

Prayer - Father God, we love you and we know you love us. Please help us feel your mighty presence just like we do our close friends here on earth. Fill us with love and joy like we feel when we are around our friends here on earth. We want to know and feel your love more and more each day. Help change our hearts to know we are worthy of all the love you pour upon us. Let us get to know you so we can feel like we are loved like the only one. Thank you, Papa God. Amen

If you are ready to learn other habits to live a life with purpose reach out to Sue for a Connection Call to chat about your dreams and direction you want to go.  

Do you want to learn more habits to live a life with purpose? Reach out to Sue for a Connection Call to chat about your dreams and direction you want to go  

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