Battle for Contentment Jun 28, 2023

Are you like me on the conquest for contentment?

I work hard to stay in a mindset of rest and satisfaction, being grateful for all God has given me each day. One day of contentment leads to the next and then I slip into an ease and I slack in the war plan to keep my ground - I skip my quiet time,...

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P.A.U.S.E. Feb 26, 2023

Think back to the cartoon of Bugs Bunny and his friend the Tasmanian devil who would swirl and whirl around and around going everywhere and now where. Then all of a sudden, he’d STOP. He looked frazzled and crazy, panting and eyes looking all googly.

Now think of what a human would look...

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REST Dec 13, 2022

REST means stop all movement and sit. Well, this is my elementary definition yet an honest one. 

Resting has never come easy for me, and I don’t know how to do it. I need God to teach me because I grew up in a family who placed high value on working and rarely rested. Being in...

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BE STILL Jul 13, 2021

Do you remember when we were kids and played Simon Says? The one who could freeze the quickest and be like a statue continued in the game inching toward the one commanding the words.  The players who wanted to be the quickest tended to lose because they were unable to BE STILL and freeze in...

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