Battle for Contentment Jun 28, 2023

Are you like me on the conquest for contentment?

I work hard to stay in a mindset of rest and satisfaction, being grateful for all God has given me each day. One day of contentment leads to the next and then I slip into an ease and I slack in the war plan to keep my ground - I skip my quiet time,...

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Never Stop Praying Jun 01, 2023

As I sit in my quiet time with God, I try to keep my thoughts from racing, I try to stay calm however my mind is like the movie trailer at the theater. It goes from one captivating scene to the next, flashing from subject to another, some related to each other, and others have nothing to do with...

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Center of the Merry-Go-Round May 02, 2023

“Slow down you’re going too fast!”

I’ve been told this nearly every day of my life.

Just as fast as I move so do my thoughts. From the moment my eyes open these thoughts are mostly of worry for kids, husband, finances, work project……you fill in the blank...

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Five Minutes to Come Alive Apr 05, 2023

Jumping out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off has been a normal thing for me. I can wake up quickly, get going, and be ready for the day in record time compared to most people.

This can be considered a good quality, an achievement, and something to be proud of, or is it?

Waking up and getting...

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P.A.U.S.E. Feb 26, 2023

Think back to the cartoon of Bugs Bunny and his friend the Tasmanian devil who would swirl and whirl around and around going everywhere and now where. Then all of a sudden, he’d STOP. He looked frazzled and crazy, panting and eyes looking all googly.

Now think of what a human would look...

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God Loves You Like You're the Only One Feb 01, 2023

God loves you like you’re the only one!

Do you believe it?

Some days I do, others I forget I am loved by the One True God, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Almighty God, Papa God, Prince of Peace.

God loves you like you’re the only one!

When I repeat this statement in my mind on...

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How to Forgive Jan 09, 2023

There is no 1,2,3 fix me, and I am all good in the forgiveness area.

No - this subject takes time and practice.

Did you think the fairy would come and wave the magic wand over you and tah dah you’d forgive the person immediately?

Maybe in your dreams.

The reality of forgiveness is...

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REST Dec 13, 2022

REST means stop all movement and sit. Well, this is my elementary definition yet an honest one. 

Resting has never come easy for me, and I don’t know how to do it. I need God to teach me because I grew up in a family who placed high value on working and rarely rested. Being in...

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Rejoice, I Say Rejoice! Dec 01, 2022

I’ve been repeating this in my mind for the last week as I think of the word of the month – REJOICE.

When I get part of a Bible verse I need to go look it up because my memory verses have improved but still need God’s help. Google is great for when you only have part of a verse,...

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Thankful for the Little Things Nov 01, 2022

Many years ago, when I sobered up and walked into the rooms of a twelve-step program I refused to acknowledge a higher power or God. No way was I going to try to let God into my life because the God I understood had a sludge hammer and was surely going to club me over the head for all the...

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Obey or NOT Sep 15, 2022

Obey is a word that can stop you right in your tracks.

I’ve been a hard one to change in my ways with the word obey. It's been one of the toughest things for me to do - obey.

The walk through what I refer to as my O Story (learning how to be obedient) has been long……LONG. Did...

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Focused Attention Aug 12, 2022

Focusing your attention on one thing in this day and age is extremely challenging. Can I get an AMEN?

Focus = draw your attention near and looking at one thing/point

We have an old pinball machine that’s been restored from its original life in the 1970’s and it’s a visual as...

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